Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Help Save the Rizzoli Bookstore in Mahattan

The Rizzoli Bookstore and its iconic Beaux-Arts home at 31 West 57th Street in Manhattan has been slated for demolition to make way for luxury high-rise apartments.

We ask everyone concerned for historic preservation to take a moment to sign the petition here to ask the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission to reconsider its ruling and to designate the 109 year-old structure and its sumptuous interiors as a deserving landmark--how could such a worthy building not already be landmarked?--for future generations.

 Prior decisions have been reversed but time is of the essence, and every voice does indeed count to bring enough public pressure to bear to save one of New York's most beautiful literary landmarks from the wrecking ball.


  1. A righteous cause - I shared in as many ways as I can and signed the petition!

  2. Unbelievable...I cannot fathom the NY LANDMARKS CONSERVANCY even being silent on this desecration of a Beaux Art Beauty! I shall light a candle and pray - perhaps a Miracle, as we are ALL 5 minutes away from one!
